The Hive Cafe Co-op’s By-Laws are the internal documents that governs the organization. They outline everything from how to become a member, how elections work, the purpose and roles of the Board of Directors as well as the mission, vision, and values of the co-op. To see the By-Laws please click this here.

The Board of Directors of the Hive Cafe Co-op is the internal body which ensures that the vision, mission and value of the Co-op are being respected, as well as oversees the financial and social sustainability of the Coop.
The Hive’s Board of Directors is comprised of 14 members in total; 6 user members, 5 worker members and 3 support members. Within the category of user members there are 3 seats reserved for Concordia Professors. Within the category of support members there is one seat reserved for the Concordia Student Union (CSU) and one seat reserved for the Concordia Food Coalition (CFC), the other support member seat is currently vacant held by SEIZE.

Previous Support Member Seats:
The Dish Project (2019-20)
Ferme des Aprents Roses (2017-19)
Concordia Greenhouse (2015-17)